Experiments: Playwriting Fellowship Showcase – Apr 21

21 April, 2025

The Club
74A East 4th Street
New York, NY 10003


Playwriting fellows:
Daniel Duren
Bianca Nkwonta



Playwriting Fellowship

La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club is thrilled to announce a new playwriting fellowship. This fellowship will offer two early career playwrights in the NYC area an artistic home at the legendary La MaMa for the course of one year. The fellowship seeks to encourage playwrights from underproduced communities with an emphasis on members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and people with disabilities. Throughout the course of the fellowship, playwrights will work with playwright and fellowship mentor, Justin Elizabeth Sayre. Fellows will meet with Sayre on a monthly basis to discuss their work and the works of previous La MaMa playwrights such as Maria Irene Fornes, Jackie Curtis, Sam Shepard, Robert Patrick, Adrienne Kennedy, and many more.

Photo courtesy of the artist


Daniel Duren‘s work has been performed in New York City and Minneapolis. This summer, his piece, Self Tape, was awarded “Best Play” by The Downtown Urban Arts Festival following its performance at Theatre Row. This coming spring, Daniel’s play, Formido, which he first developed at Yaddo, Hermitage, and Ragdale, will be presented at La MaMa through the Experiments in Playwriting Fellowship. Currently, he works under the mentorship of Samuel D. Hunter.

Photo courtesy of the artist

Bianca Nkwonta (she/her) is a healthcare consultant and writer from Eagan, Minnesota, now based in New York City. Her writing career began in graduate school at NYU, where she wrote stories about the Black and African diaspora, and its intersections with Midwestern-ness, womanhood, youth, health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness. Currently, she is a staff writer for an up-and-coming web series.

experiments play reading series

The Experiments play reading series has provided a forum for talented playwrights and theatre makers to continue their creative process. The Monday night readings give emerging artists the opportunity to hear their developing works read by professional actors and receive valuable audience feedback. Experiments remains an artist driven service organized around shifting themes to allow a larger, under-served theater community to experience a greater diversity of programming.

This playwriting fellowship, mentored by Justin Elizabeth Sayer, is supported by the Jerome Foundation.
A black background with a black square.

La Mama is a world-renowned New York cultural institution dedicated to the artist and all aspects of the theatre.

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