Metamorphoses (or A Few Ways of Keeping a Child from Running Around at His Great Uncle’s Funeral) – Mar 7-23
A dark comic romp bursting with puppets, high anxiety, and dubious life lessons, Metamorphoses is a brand-new play crafted by Dmitry Krymov and his NYC Lab.
The Magic of Light – Mar 7-16
The Magic of Light interweaves puppetry, language, music and poetry to illustrate the cultural and spiritual awakening of an artist in the 1870s in Ukraine.
CultureHub’s Re–Fest – Mar 6-9
The 2025 festivals theme, Re–Collect, centers recollection equally with collecting as a practice.
Unsuccessful – Feb 27-Mar 2
An immersive opera/play/Passover seder, based on the oldest known Jewish play, written in Alexandria in the second century BCE by Ezekiel the Tragedien.
Care Café in the time of Chaos – Feb 24
Care Café is a public or domestic place for people to gather - their wits, thoughts and comrades in action. It is a temporary venue for communitas, conversation and activity within a spoken and visible frame of ‘care’.
Experiments: Trying for Hedda – Feb 24
Loosely based on Hedda Gabler. Loosely as in, imagine if you were in a room where Hedda Gabbler had once been. Perhaps years ago. Or perhaps in the way a creature who is not constrained to the laws of time has been in a room. And you smell her perfume. And it makes you choke. It almost kills you. An
The Barbarians – Feb 14-Mar 2
Countries are made of laws, and laws are made of words. So are plays. How strange.
No Reservation – Feb 6-23
NO RESERVATION is about global goddesses who have been underground for centuries and now rise up, sensing the urgency of their presence ‘at the table’.