CultureHub’s Re–Fest – Mar 6-9
March 6-9, 2025
74 East 4th Street
New York, NY 10003
Free to RSVP with donation options.
CultureHub presents Re–Fest, an annual festival that brings artists, activists, and technologists together to explore our role in reshaping the future.
The 2025 festivals theme, Re–Collect, centers recollection equally with collecting as a practice. What mark do our collections make on the world? What gaps are left by those that are missing? Where can collections be restored, created, or dismantled to create a more just future? Re-Fest presents collections made intentionally and unintentionally, by individuals, families, institutions, and computer programs, in an exhibition that makes tangible the abundance and gaps in our cultural memory.
Re–Fest is free and open to all. Artworks will be presented throughout La MaMa’s 74a E 4th Street building along with performances, conversations, and workshops.
Full artist line-up and programming schedule coming soon!
Amad Ansari
Banna Desta & Shariffa Ali
The Batson/Alleyne Family
Blair Johnson & Luke Williams
Camille Weins
Carrie Sijia Wang
Daniel Arturo Almeida
Demian DinéYazhi’ & Kevin Holden
Elyana Shams
Emily Johnson
Iron Path Farm & Arts
Jill Verhaeghe
Korina Emmerich
Laura Ortman
La MaMa Archive
Leia Chang
Liana Shewey
Liza Stark
Lucia Gomez
Mobéy Lola Irizarry
Morehshin Allahyari
Paris Alexander
Radio Ramsés
Roxana Barba
Sam Lavigne
Simone Salvo
Banna Desta & Shariffa Ali
The Batson/Alleyne Family
Blair Johnson & Luke Williams
Camille Weins
Carrie Sijia Wang
Daniel Arturo Almeida
Demian DinéYazhi’ & Kevin Holden
Elyana Shams
Emily Johnson
Iron Path Farm & Arts
Jill Verhaeghe
Korina Emmerich
Laura Ortman
La MaMa Archive
Leia Chang
Liana Shewey
Liza Stark
Lucia Gomez
Mobéy Lola Irizarry
Morehshin Allahyari
Paris Alexander
Radio Ramsés
Roxana Barba
Sam Lavigne
Simone Salvo