Session One: July 16 – 25, 2025
Session Two: July 27 – August 6, 2025
You may attend either session or both.
Fee includes all workshops, meals, accommodation, excursions, performances, local travel, etc.
Transportation to and from La MaMa Umbria is not included.
During the two 10-day sessions, directors will take workshops with distinguished, internationally renowned directors, visit Spoleto and other Umbrian cultural sites. Accommodation, meals, and local transport are included in the fee.
During the two 10-day sessions, directors will take workshops with distinguished, internationally renowned directors, visit Spoleto and other Umbrian cultural sites.
WORKSHOPS: A training program for professional directors, choreographers and theatre-makers. Internationally renowned theatre artists conduct workshops and lecture/demonstrations.
Participants will be exposed to a variety of theatrical perspectives during the Symposium, from instructors who will expand their sense of what is possible in the theatre. Directors attending the Symposium see how prominent artists on the international scene create their unique productions. The workshops are participatory, and it is expected that all attendees will engage actively in the processes of the various teaching artists.
Potential Workshop Leaders 2025*
EXCURSIONS: While most of the time will be spent in workshops at La MaMa Umbria, at least one day has been set aside for excursions to nearby cities. We will attend at least one performance event at a local arts festival. There may also be opportunities to see additional performances on an ad hoc basis. The group will visit nearby towns such as Perugia, Umbria’s capital, Deruta, famous for ceramics painted by hand or Assisi, to see the famous Cathedral of St. Francis, Orvieto, etc. In addition, we may participate in other cultural events such as an Italian tradition, a sagra, or community celebration of the specialties produced by small Umbrian villages (such as truffles, olive oil and wine.)
SHARING YOUR PROCESS: In addition to our internationally renowned guest teaching artists, there will be an opportunity for you and your colleagues to share exercises and techniques with each other in late night sessions. You may propose a special workshop to offer in one of the late (after dinner) sessions. Use the space on the registration form to describe what you would share. Not all proposals will be accepted based on time and space availability. [Whether you choose to present something or not, will not be a factor into whether your application is accepted.]
How is it decided who will be accepted into the Programs?
The applications are considered on the basis of the responses to the questions on your resume and the Application Form: why is this Program appropriate for you and what do you hope to get out of it? Once the Application has been vetted, and approved, the participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. If the Program is filled up, there is a Waiting List you can join.
How does the Waiting List work?
If a Program fills up, we will let you know and put you on the Wait List. If someone drops out, we will go to the next person on the List and offer them that spot. This could happen any time up to a week prior to the start of the Program. If you decide not to wait, please let us know and we will remove your name from the List.
Should I wait until I have been accepted prior to sending in my deposit?
You can wait until you receive an acceptance letter, but we will not reserve your spot until we receive your deposit. If you send your deposit and are not accepted, you will receive a full refund (except for credit card fees.)
What is the Application deadline for the Playwright and Directing programs?
The deadline is May 15th, but the Programs could fill up prior to that date. Please check with us to see if there is still space. We will have a waiting list for those who wish to wait to see if someone who applied decides not to attend. If we receive your Deposit by May 15th and we are not yet full, we will hold your spot.
If I pay the Deposit and find that I cannot attend, willI get a refund?
You will get a full refund if you cancel by May 15th, except for the credit card fee.
When is the Full Payment due?
Full payment is due by June 1st.
If I pay the Full Payment and then I find I cannot come, will I get a Refund?
You will get a Full Refund (except for Credit Card charges) if we have a Waiting List and we can find someone to take your spot. If not, you will get a 50% Refund if you let us know by June 15th. After June 15th, there are no Refunds.
Is there a way to pay where I won’t incur Credit Card charges?
Yes, you can pay by check, made out to La MaMa ETC and mailed to: La MaMa ETC, Umbria Programs, 66 East Fourth Street, New York, NY 10003, USA. There are no additional fees. You can also pay by bank transfer or Zelle. There are no additional fees to us, but your bank may charge you a fee. Speak to our Business Manager to arrange for a bank transfer: [email protected].
Many of our international artists cannot afford to make the trip to Umbria. We offer limited financial assistance to disadvantaged artists from countries that have had little to no representation in our residency programs. It costs approximately $5,000 for the entire trip, which includes admission fee, accommodation, meals, workshops, and international travel for one participant. All donations will help us achieve this goal. In addition, we are continually upgrading our facilities to provide the best possible experience for the attendees. We need funds to cover the cost of maintaining La MaMa Umbria, a 700 year-old structure, while adding modern technology to allow more diverse performance creation.