Oct 25, 2024
Oct 27, 2024


Teatro Lafauna (Spain)
Idea and direction: Carlos Cazalilla
Performers-puppeteers: Vera González, Esther D'Andrea, y Carlos Cazalilla

a black arrow pointing downward

'LOVO' places a view on the conservation and protection of biodiversity, analyzing the process of disappearance of an animal species as if it were the extinction of a love. It proposes a vision on the consequences of the destruction that the human being generates in the Nature, the changes that take place in the habitats that it shares with other animals and that also demonstrate the vulnerability and fragility of the human life. We dive into the bowels of another living being as if we were doing it in his own soul, in a biography, or in the deepest and darkest of the heart.

Three documentary filmmakers on stage tell how they found poisoned the last wolf in Sierra Morena. The animal will wage a battle inside: a toxic that spreads through the body. 'LOVO' is also a story of microscopic and cellular love, a flight without return which threatens the survival of the animal. Another endangered species on the verge of extinction that faces our responsibility within the ecosystem that shelters us. Can love reverse the fatal fate that threatens the characters? How would the habitat itself react to an annihilating threat?

Press Representative: Sam Rudy Media Relations

Teatro Lafauna was born in 2013 as a project directed by Carlos Cazalilla. The interest in puppet research and the different languages of the live arts are the creative power that drives this theatrical project. The richness in the diversity of the visual and plastic codes, the study of the puppet's movement, the composition of dramaturgy, the design of sound space are the elements with which the company tries to immerse the audience in an intense scenic experience.

This project is supported in part by the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy in Washington DC and the Cultural Office of the Consulate General of Spain in New York.

The 11th La MaMa Puppet Festival Fall 2024 is made possible by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy in Washington DC and the Cultural Office of the Consulate General of Spain in New York, the Howard Gilman Foundation, The Jim Henson Foundation, the Québec Government Office in New York, Puppet Slam Network, Radio Drama Network, The Shubert Foundation. Additional support from Cheryl Henson is gratefully acknowledged.

La MaMa Puppet Festival


The La MaMa Puppet Festival showcases new contemporary puppet theatre by artists from around the world. Curated by Denise Greber, focusing on diversifying the voices, stories, and perspectives shared onstage, with the goal of uplifting marginalized identities within the puppet community.

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