Nov 8, 2024
Nov 10, 2024


UnterWasser Company
Concept, direction, puppet creation, scenes, sounds, lights, performers: Valeria Bianchi, Aurora Buzzetti, Giulia De Canio

a black arrow pointing downward

OUT is a visual, multidisciplinary show, an original training tale told through the imaginative language of puppetry, a poem for adults, which can also be seen by children. An initiatory journey that leads the protagonist out of the house, a metaphor for certainties, to put him in relation with the world and with its inevitable contrasts. The poetic language of the different techniques used transports the audience into a dream dimension, transmitting its universal message through the use of archetypes.

Press Representative: Sam Rudy Media Relations

UnterWasser was founded in 2014 by Valeria Bianchi, Aurora Buzzetti, and Giulia De Canio. The company places itself on the border between visual theater and contemporary art, studying their mutual contaminations and creating an original poetic and imaginative language that becomes a tool for investigating humanity and its facets. With the show UNTOLD he debuted at the Biennale Teatro 2020. The company received the “Valter Ferrara Award 2019” and the ANCT prize 2022. 

The 11th La MaMa Puppet Festival Fall 2024 is made possible by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy in Washington DC and the Cultural Office of the Consulate General of Spain in New York, the Howard Gilman Foundation, The Jim Henson Foundation, the Québec Government Office in New York, Puppet Slam Network, Radio Drama Network, The Shubert Foundation. Additional support from Cheryl Henson is gratefully acknowledged.

La MaMa Puppet Festival


The La MaMa Puppet Festival showcases new contemporary puppet theatre by artists from around the world. Curated by Denise Greber, focusing on diversifying the voices, stories, and perspectives shared onstage, with the goal of uplifting marginalized identities within the puppet community.

Special Event