Nov 7, 2023
Nov 8, 2023

Puppet Slam 2023

Curated by Jane Catherine Shaw

a black arrow pointing downward

La MaMa Puppet Slam returns this year with new short works of genius! These condensed works of puppetry are original, compelling, brilliant, witty, tragic, funny, stunning, startling, ironic, exotic, political, lyrical, musical, beautiful, intellectual, experimental, wild...and always demonstrate genius in a matter of minutes!

Stoph Scheer - The King's Justice
Brzezinski & Schap - The Changing Room
Crooked Square Puppetry - Cirque de la Lune
Felicia Cooper - Belly of the Beast
Cabot Parsons - Calling Gladys
Drama of Works - Annabel Lee
Eva Lansberry - When Swans Knock
Michelle Finston - Face Me
Leah Levine - Hair Sisters

Photo by Richard Termine

Puppeteer and theatre artist Jane Catherine Shaw is a passionate creator, director, designer, writer, curator and educator. Ms. Shaw was co-founder and co-curator of the VOICE 4 VISION PUPPET FESTIVAL, a festival that was devoted to presenting New York artists making work for puppetry.

The 2023 La MaMa Puppet Slam is generously supported by The Puppet Slam Network led by Heather Henson.

The 10th La MaMa Puppet Festival Fall 2023 is made possible by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, the Howard Gilman Foundation, The Jim Henson Foundation, the Québec Government Office in New York, Puppet Slam Network, the Mellon Foundation, and The Shubert Foundation. Additional support from Cheryl Henson is gratefully acknowledged.

La MaMa Puppet Festival


The La MaMa Puppet Festival showcases new contemporary puppet theatre by artists from around the world. Curated by Denise Greber, focusing on diversifying the voices, stories, and perspectives shared onstage, with the goal of uplifting marginalized identities within the puppet community.

Special Event